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Jim Bailey


My struggle with authority has lasted nearly all my life.  Starting with my rebellion against my parents to being disobeyed by my own kids and grandkids.  I suspect that many of you have had a similar path.  It seems hard not to rebel given the society in which we live and the huge number of freedoms and entitlements we enjoy.  We know that we need teachers, parents, policemen, lawmakers, bosses and many others.  And yet… It was a major adjustment when I became a teacher and expected 30 students each hour to listen to and heed my instructions.  I was truly amazed when we started worshiping under an eldership and they didn’t function like the rest of society with a boss to employee attitude.

Hebrews 13:17 is probably the “go to” scripture when considering elders and flocks.  There is a very fine line we walk between “authority”, “watching out for your souls”, “giving account” and “lording it over fellow Christians” (1 Pe 5: 1-3)  It is also a fine line for the flock between “obey”, “submit” and resenting being shown or told what to do.  As God’s children we have a glorious freedom (Rom 8:21) (2 Cor 3:17) (Js 1:25) in Christ.  Each soul is ultimately responsible for one’s own decisions, actions and salvation.

However, Christ saw fit to plan for elders in each of his congregations. (Tit 1:5)  The elders of the flock here facilitate, not dictate, Christ like behavior. Therefore, the elders strive to:

·         Make your journey to eternity joyful. (1 Th 5:16) (Rom 15:13)

·         Be servant leaders and examples of Christ’s teachings. (2 Th 3:9)

·         Avoid lording it over fellow-Christians.  (1 Pe 5: 1-3)

·         Prepare you for works of service.  (Eph 4:12) (Eph 2:10)

·         Avoid undue interference in your personal life but be there to comfort and pray for you when asked. (Act 20:36) (Js 5:14)

On the flip side, the flock can make the elder’s work a joy by:

·         Learning and practicing the many “one another” verses. (Col 3:13)

·         Staying in the middle of the flock—not on the fringes. (Heb 10:25)

·         Being like Barnabas and encouraging each other. (Acts 4:36)

·         Using your gift(s) from the Holy Spirit.  (Rom 12:6-8) 


There should be a respectful and loving attitude in the Lord’s Church concerning authority and obedience.  We should all strive to follow the example of the Godhead in this area who always works in perfect harmony for the mutual good. (1 Cor 11:3).


-Jim Bailey

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