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Northwest Church of Christ 

Brief History



What is God’s Plan? Studying the Bible

The mission of the Northwest Church of Christ is to restore New Testament Christianity. We remain firmly committed to the principles and ideals that have traditionally characterized a cappella Churches of Christ. A Biblical phrase that well describes our mission is found in Ephesians 4:15: “speaking the truth in love”.

We’re glad God brought you to us. Whether you’re just visiting and looking for a place to worship, you’re looking for a church home, or you’ve never attended church and are looking for a place to experience God’s love, we know you’ll find what you’re looking for at Northwest.

We must study the Bible in order to find out God’s plan. The Bible should be studied with an open mind. If we believe that it is inspired by God, we should also believe that He is capable of delivering His Word without error or contradictions, despite the different languages, writers, translations, geographic locations, and time frame. 

Who is the church of Christ?

We are Christians attempting to go back to the simplicity and purity of the first century church. We take the Bible alone, and preach the same message, in the same way that the apostles did in the book of Acts. With the Bible as our guide, and with no human creed to stumble on, we enthusiastically seek to find and imitate what the original church was like.

Since the church belongs to Christ, you will find no modern-day organizational bureaucracy, no earthly headquarters. The tie that binds all such congregations around the world together is the Bible. Each congregation, however, is governed by a group of Elders selected from among its members. These men meet specific qualifications given in I Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Their task is to care for the congregation’s spiritual needs and keep the focus on God’s Word.


Membership in the church is a result of following the Bible’s plan to become a Christian. It is not our place to establish any man-made requirements or ceremonies.  We do like those who wish to be associated with Northwest and participate in the work to “become a member of Northwest”, which involves introducing yourself to the elders and having your name and address in our member directory.

If you seek to obey Christ and receive the salvation offered by Jesus, we stand ready to assist you and our arms are open to receive you as a child of God.


Acts 2:37-39


…”Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off-for all whom the Lord our God will call.”

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