In our 21st Century society it almost seems as if the term carefree is an impossible dream. Perhaps for those who are in a coma or have passed away it could happen. Maybe if someone were a Pollyanna, oblivious, naïve or stoned, he/she could be classified as carefree.
However, for the vast majority of sentient humans there will always be trouble, anxiety, worry and concern. The lotto is so popular because many who play it hope that if they were to win a multi-million dollar payout they could move to an Island paradise where they would live the rest of their lives carefree and lighthearted. The problem is they would still have to confront such dilemmas as family quarrels about money, pain and aging. Jesus, in the 25th chapter of Matthew, addresses this situation by saying that those who don’t help the poor and helpless will not enter into heaven with Him. King Solomon, the richest person who ever lived, talks of the irony of who might inherit his huge fortune (Ecc 6:1-3). Retirement can mitigate some of the obligations, duties and stress of life, but it is certainly no panacea.
God’s word when referring to this carefree condition often uses such terms as joy and at peace. One’s attitude and spiritual position allow Christians to face situations that could defeat others. The Apostle Paul lists just a few of his hardships and distresses---beatings, impris-onments, riots, hard work, sleepless nights and hunger (2 Cor 6:3-5). Yet he and Silas, after being stripped and beaten severely and put into the inner jail cell with their feet fastened in stocks, were heard by the other prisoners singing hymns to God (Acts 16:22-25). How can that joyful and carefree attitude happen?
Jesus had told his followers that, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (Jo 16:33) James adds, “Count it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds… the testing of your faith develops perseverance (Jas 1:2). Jesus also promised His peace and the admonition not to be afraid (Jo 14:27). Paul writes one more huge reason to be free from care---“the mind controlled by the Holy Spirit is life and peace.” If a Christian can fix his eyes on Jesus and His promises to take us to be at home in heaven with Him (Heb 12:1-3), we will be able to deal with the troubles and problems in as far as it depends on us (Rom 12:18). Carefree in conscience and conduct!
-Jim Bailey