Yucantan, Mexico
This link contains photos of various activities that the Northwest-supported churches in the Yucatan of Mexico participated in during October through December of 2019. There are photos of church services, birthday celebrations, an evangelism campaign, celebrations of church anniversaries, and a three-day medical campaign. The medical mission was held in early November in the cities of Tizimin and Tixcancal. Eighteen Mexican doctors who are members of the church flew in from various cities across the country and brought their own medical supplies. The Yucatan churches provided transportation, housing, and meals for the doctors. About 700 people were served by this ministry. Please keep the preachers, their families, and the various congregations in your prayers.
How Can you Help?
Pray for the missions work
Contribute to regular and special offerings
Visit the congregations on a mission trip
Donate materials (bibles, hymnals, etc.)
Update missions bulletin board
Santa Rita church building, classrooms, restrooms, and home for preacher
Pocoboch church building
Tixcancal church building and restroom
Sunday School materials
Spanish Bibles
Tools for construction projects
Vehicles for transportation